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Parasites Discovered In Fossilized Feces More Than 200 Million Years Old

Parasites often inhabit the soft tissues of their host but are rarely preserved as fossils. 
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Parasite of morphotype III, found in the vertebrate coprolite. 

Parasites have been discovered in 200 million years old fossilized feces.

Researchers have found that one of the earliest predators on the planet was infested with roundworms and multiple other parasites.

The poo, or coprolite as fossilized feces is known, is believed to have belonged to a species of semi-aquatic phytosaur, a crocodile-like predator.

A portion of the seven-centimeter-long poo was analyzed and the team from Mahasarakham University, Thailand discovered six structures around 50-150 micrometers long.

One with a thick shell was identified as a nematode worm egg whilst the others were either further eggs or protozoan cysts.

Parasites are a common and important component of ecosystems, but ancient parasites are difficult to study due to a poor fossil record.

Parasite of morphotype III, found in the vertebrate coprolite.Parasites have been discovered in 200 million years old fossilized feces.Researchers have found that one of the earliest predators on the planet was infested with roundworms and multiple other parasites. PHOTO BY NONSRIRACH ET AL/SWNS

Parasites often inhabit the soft tissues of their host but are rarely preserved as fossils.

Parasite of morphotype V, found in the vertebrate coprolite. 

The Late Triassic cylindrical coprolite, described in the journal PLOS ONE, was found at the Huai Hin Lat Formation of Thailand, which is over 200 million years old.

This is the first record of parasites in a terrestrial vertebrate host from the Late Triassic of Asia and a rare glimpse into the life of an ancient animal that was apparently infected by multiple parasitic species.

This discovery also adds to the few known examples of nematode eggs preserved within the coprolites of Mesozoic animals.

Study author Thanit Nonsrirach said: “Parasites of several species, including Ascaridida (roundworm) eggs were found in a coprolite probably produced by a crocodile-like reptile and possibly a phytosaur.

“This is therefore the first discovery of Ascaridida eggs and evidence of multi-infection in a host assignable to the Crurotarsi from the Late Triassic of Asia.

“Coprolite is a significant palaeontological treasure trove, containing several undiscovered fossils and expanding our understanding of ancient ecosystems and food chains.

“These findings are therefore a significant contribution to scientific understanding of the distribution and ecology of parasites of the distant past.”


Produced in association with SWNS Talker

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