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Dog Rescued After 196ft Fall Down UK’s Grey Mare’s Tail Waterfall

Jack Russell miraculously survives massive plunge, reunited with owner

A dog was rescued after falling 60m (196.85 feet) (196ft) down one of the UK’s largest waterfalls.

Louis the Jack Russell tumbled down the Grey Mare’s Tail Waterfall, near Moffatt, Dumfriesshire in Scotland at just before 2:45 pm on Sunday afternoon (July 16).

The waterfall is one of the UK’s largest, and a famous Scottish beauty spot nearby Loch Skeen.

Amazingly, Louis survived the huge fall and was successfully rescued by three volunteers from the 15-strong local Moffat Mountain Rescue Team.

Volunteers to the team successfully managed to spot Louis, who had ended up in one of the lower pools of the waterfall, before creating a rope system to lower a team member down to rescue the trapped pup.

Remarkably, once located, Louis was found to be almost completely fine – except for a slight limp.

After being collected in an animal rescue bag, he was hoisted back up to ground level and retrieved by his owner – shown in sweet pictures posted on social media.

The photos, taken by a member of Moffat Mountain Rescue’s team, showed the sheer size of the waterfall Louis had plummeted down.

Lifeguard dogs during a water rescue. In UK on 17 July 2022. A dog was rescued after falling 60m (196.85 feet) (196ft) down one of the UK’s largest waterfalls. PHOTO BY RICCARDO FABI/GETTY IMAGES 

Posting on Facebook, the team wrote: “At 14:46 on Sunday 16th July Moffat MRT were contacted by Police Scotland Dumfries & Galloway to assist in the search and rescue of Jack Russell Louie after he took a fall down the Grey Mare’s Tail near Moffat.

“The famous waterfall is one of the highest in the UK plunging over 60m (196.85 feet) into the valley below. Louie was last seen tumbling down the hillside before disappearing out of sight.

“Three team members were deployed initially to locate the dog and plan the best way to access him safely. Once Louie was spotted in one of the lower pools having fallen the full length of the waterfall.”

“The team set up a rope system to lower a single team member with our specialized Lyon Equipment Ltd animal rescue bag (purchased following the rescue of the last dog who had taken a tumble into the tail) where he was secured and placed onto the bag.

“Louie was pulled out of the waterfall alive and was very pleased to be reunited with his owner. Although not local to the area, the team provided them with details of a local vet they could contact to have Louie checked over after his ordeal.

“The owner did the right thing by contacting the Police to ensure the search and rescue was carried out in the safest way possible. We wish Louie all the best in his recovery!”


Produced in association with SWNS Talker

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