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Toddler With Down Syndrome Delights Train Passengers With Personal Greetings

Isaac Drisch, a three-year-old boy, spreads joy as he walks down train aisle, connecting with every passenger.

This adorable video shows a toddler walking down a train aisle greeting every single passenger personally.

Isaac Drisch, three, was traveling with his parents Vincent, 33, and Alice, 29, when they captured the sweet moment on camera.

The video shows Isaac, who has Down Syndrome, walking down the aisle and intensely greeting the passengers one by one.

Isaac loves trains and has been traveling with his parents since he was born.

Vincent, a filmmaker from Lyon, France, said: “Isaac has been traveling with us since he was very young, as he accompanies us on our conference adventures.

“His passion is to meet others, so we are not surprised that he does it so intensely.”

According to dad Vincent, Isaac spent over two hours walking up and down the train greeting passengers.

Isaac loves approaching people and he is always met with appreciation from other travelers.

Vincent said: “During our travels Isaac has always approached people, sitting next to them and communicating in his own way.

Vincent, a filmmaker from Lyon, France, said: “Isaac has been traveling with us since he was very young, as he accompanies us on our conference adventures. PHOTO BY VINCENT DRISCH/SWNS 

“However, this is the first time we’ve seen him saying hello to each person with such intensity!

“People react positively, always! They are touched! Isaac often makes people laugh, even when he wakes them up to say hello.”

Vincent, who founded who founded an organization for people with Down Syndrome and their families with his wife, said: “Down syndrome can offer a sixth emotional sense, and Isaac has it.

“He understands people’s emotions like no one else. He has a much higher emotional capacity to feel things than we do!

“Sometimes it can be a double-edged sword because he’s an emotional sponge, but sometimes it’s incredible! That’s Down syndrome.

“We believe that his sixth emotional sense is an incredible gift!

“Of course, some days, his Down syndrome can be more challenging, but when Isaac acts this way, we know that he is using his gift, his extra chromosome, perfectly and turning it into a strength.

“So we are amazed by his kindness during these moments!”

Produced in association with SWNS Talker

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