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Qualcomm’s Ziad Asghar Explores The Future Of Generative AI And Its Impact On Industries

Qualcomm's Ziad Asghar discusses the power of generative AI and its potential to revolutionize various industries
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In an interview with Zenger News during the “AI And The Future” webinar on Thursday, Ziad Asghar, the senior vice president of product management and head of AI for Qualcomm Technologies (NASDAQ: QCOM), shared some fascinating insights on the state of artificial intelligence and how it’s shaping the future.

Asghar began by emphasizing the power and potential of generative AI and large learning models. “Generative models … are able to create images, text, audio, video, music, all these capabilities purely from a foundational model or a foundational model,” he said.

Generative models are able to create images, text, audio, video, music, all these capabilities purely from a foundational model or a foundational model. JOAN CROS/GETTY IMAGES  

Asghar noted Qualcomm’s work to democratize AI by “decoupling these amazing use cases, these awesome models from the cloud … bringing these models to the masses.”

When discussing the benefits of on-device generative AI workloads, Asghar emphasized the importance of privacy and cost-effectiveness. “That data, that piece never left the device. So the privacy aspect … is really addressed by doing it on device.

“Another very critical one that I really like is personalization in your device knows more about you than anybody else … and we can actually take all of that and make that generative experience even better because now that experience is customized to you, it’s customized to each and every consumer,” he told Zenger News’s Chris Katje.

Asghar gave an example of a potential use case for generative AI, saying, “If you’re talking about a personal device like a smartphone, many times these are entertainment-like use cases … we could take this picture of the conversation we’re having, but I can say, hey, have me sitting in front of [the] Pacific Ocean at sunset and casually create that amazing background for me.”

He then talked about the impact on worker productivity.

“So if you have the ability to be able to tell your device, please create this email for me or summarize this large document for me … it takes away a lot of the mundane and perhaps busy work that people have, frees it up for people to be able to do real productive novel sort of work.”

Envisioning the automotive sector‘s future, Asghar said, “In the automotive context you can have an amazing experience of charting multiple different paths from an origin to a destination and finding the right way and the best way to be able to get there.”

“We’re just getting started, really,” Asghar said, hinting at a bright future for generative AI.

Produced in association with Benzinga

Edited by Saba Fatima and Maham Javaid

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