How The Need To Hunt Smaller Prey Drove Human Evolution The team analyzed findings from nine prehistoric sites in South Africa, East Africa, Spain, and France. READ & WATCH
Rare Roman Weapons Cache Uncovered In Judean Desert A cache of weapons believed to have been hidden by Jews during their revolt against Romans two millennia ago has been uncovered READ & WATCH
Experts Baffled By Ancient Trenches Uncovered In Jerusalem Archeologists say the trenches cut into the bedrock appear to be designed for soaking large quantities of something READ & WATCH
Scientists Recreate Scent Used To Mummify Pharaoh’s Wet Nurse They used state-of-the-art technology to identify the ingredients of balms used in the mummification of the woman called Senetnay READ & WATCH
Humans Almost Went Extinct Around 900,000 Years Ago Scientists say this could have spelled the end for modern humans. READ & WATCH
Israel Prize Laureate Amnon Ben-Tor Dies At 88 Amnon Ben-Tor, professor emeritus of archaeology at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and winner of 2019 Israel Prize, died on Aug READ & WATCH
Integrity Of Megiddo Mosaic The Priority, Israel Antiquities Authority Says Reports that Israel is considering lending an ancient Christian mosaic READ & WATCH
New Research Reveals Ötzi The Iceman’s Real Appearance “The mummy itself, however, is dark and has no hair.” READ & WATCH
Second Temple-era Synagogue Unearthed In The Black Sea Region Researchers from the Russian Academy of Science concluded that the synagogue operated from at least the early first century C.E READ & WATCH