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Nalova Akua

Nalova Akua is an up-and-coming journalist in Cameroon who has earned commendations for excellence in writing, reporting, and creativity thanks to his nose for news, passion for community journalism and the reputation for impeccable ethics. He is an independent reporter for -the world’s first digitally native wire service with global distribution, owned and operated by journalists. He was one of the few Cameroonian Journalists hired to kick-start Cameroon Insider, a semi-weekly national tabloid in Cameroon. Here, Mr Nalova distinguished himself by writing stories that serve society, articles that give a voice to the unheard, and writing that puts the spotlight on issues that would otherwise have remained in the shadows. Nalova had earlier spent three years as Staff correspondent for the state broadcaster – the Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV). Here, he increased listenership considerably through his weekly program dubbed ‘Book in Focus’ that provided a dependable window to the world on Cameroonian, African and world literatures. The discussion and emotions it created showed that the stories had great importance for the audience. With a mix of traditional journalistic skills, compelling expression and unmistakable clarity, Nalova has been able to give strength to unheard voices of great importance to the readers with stories that make a difference.This helps society get a better understanding of what actually makes quality journalism, and how journalism can stay relevant – reaching new generations and creating impact across the increasingly complicated media landscapes.Nalova Akua holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism.