Analysis of 11 dog and 8 cat illnesses identifies states with varied risks, from West Virginia's high to Nevada's low rates. A new survey analyzed case rates for 11 dog illnesses and eight cat illnesses across all 50 states, and Washington, D.C. READ & WATCH
Discovery of burrowing dinosaur sheds light on Cretaceous ecosystems, challenging traditional views of dinosaur diversity. The species, dubbed Fona herzogae, inhabited what is now Utah in the United States. READ & WATCH
Twycross Zoo introduces critically endangered red-fronted macaws in a bid to save the species from extinction. Only 300 of the species remain in the wild. READ & WATCH
Research by University of Exeter shows herring gull chicks favor fish despite being raised on urban diet of bread and cat food. All gulls in the study strongly favored fish. READ & WATCH